California Neurohealth is a multidisciplinary clinic specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain and neurological disorders. Our unique treatment approach combines the cutting edge techniques of chiropractic neurology with the time-tested methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture and herbs. By synergizing non-drug and non-surgical treatments from Western medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, our chiropractic neurologist and acupuncturist work together as a team to deliver enhanced patient outcomes. We provide treatment for children and adults of all ages, with a specialized focus on treating elite athletes and combat injuries.
During your first appointment at California Neurohealth, you will be evaluated by both our and our Neurologist Dr. Christopher DeMartini DC, DACNB and our Licensed Acupuncturist Elham Khodabandeloo. Based on the results from this evaluation, we will create a comprehensive treatment plan incorporating appropriate non-surgical and drug-free care. This complete Western and Eastern diagnosis is correlated together so you will better understand your current health challenges and the best treatment options. The majority of our patients will receive a combination of Chiropractic Neurology and acupuncture. We find that receiving appropriate, complementary treatments from both Western and Eastern disciplines helps patients heal faster and reduce office visits. For example, our combined treatment approach routinely cuts healing time in half for sprain and strain injuries as well as fractures when compared with a traditional Western medicine approach.
Chiropractic Neurology Treatment Supports Whole Body Health
Chiropractic neurology is a specialized form of chiropractic care for the treatment of neurological disorders which include neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, autoimmune conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, movement disorders such as restless leg syndrome, dystonia and Huntington’s chorea, stroke, traumatic brain injuries, learning disabilities such as ADHD, and peripheral nervous system disorders such as radiculopathy and neuropathy. Our chiropractic neurologist Dr. DeMartini uses his extensive knowledge of functional neurology – the study of the inter-relationships of an individual's nervous systems within the context of their overall health – to help patients heal faster after injury. Depending on your injury and the extent of nervous system dysfunction, Dr. DeMartini may recommend treatments such as neuromuscular re-education exercises, stimulation of the vestibular (balance), auditory, visual or other sensory systems and chiropractic adjustments if and when needed.
Acupuncture Treatment for Pain Relief & Faster Injury Rehabilitation
Contemporary acupuncture is based on the ancient Eastern complete medical system that restores balanced function to the body as a whole. During a treatment session, our acupuncturist will gently insert thin, sterilized needles into specific points along the body that are also known as neurovascular nodes, which are dense clusters of nerves and blood vessels. These points correspond with the organs and have a functional relationship to the body systems. Stimulating these points effects a specific response within the body’s nervous system. Our licensed Acupuncturist Elham Khodabandeloo designs custom treatment programs that naturally complement the functional neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation provided by Dr. DeMartini for enhanced whole body health. Acupuncture offers a number of important health benefits, including drug-free pain relief, improved hormone regulation by natural stress reduction, and reduced swelling and inflammation following an injury.
For more information on our San Luis Obispo chiropractic neuropathy and acupuncture treatments, schedule a diagnostic exam. Call (805) 439-1581 today!